Posts Tagged ‘Avatar’

News & Submissions 3/18/2010

Thursday, March 18th, 2010

Avatar Is The Work Of The Devil, Says Idiot Pastor
Pastor and shit-stirer Mark Driscoll claims that Avatar is the devil’s work, aimed at promoting paganism and primitive lifestyles. Sounds like somebody just needs to make “Tsaheylu.” Of course, after watching the “Na’vi” on chatroulette, he’s got a point. Read full story from

Tribes need to prepare for inflationary future
NEW ORLEANS – American Indian tribes achieving unprecedented economic progress in the past decade now must brace themselves for future inflation, delegates attending a recent Native American finance conference were warned. Read full story from

Spring: Leeds folklore expert and weatherman’s view
The name ‘vernal equinox’ sounds vaguely mystical and conjures up images of shrouded figures moving through ancient stone monuments on mist-laden dawns. Equinoxes are one of those things I feel I ought to be more familiar with but, like most people of the TV generation, I’m not. Read full story from

Dallas County jail guard fired over remarks
A sheriff’s department review concluded 59-year-old Stephen Johnson persisted in giving his religious opinions and speaking out against homosexuality. Read full story from

Arizona Town to Rescind Ban on Church Meetings in Homes
A controversial ban on holding church meetings in private homes in a rapidly-growing town in Arizona could be rescinded as early as next week, officials say. Read full story from

EPA to target flea and tick treatments
Washington Complaints of dogs and cats injured and sometimes even killed by flea treatments have increased significantly, the Environmental Protection Agency said Wednesday as it outlined plans to make the products safer. Read full story from

News & Submissions 2/15/2010

Monday, February 15th, 2010

First Pagan Chaplain Appointed at Syracuse University
This is the first new chaplain since the appointments of the Buddhist and the historically black church chaplains and the 11th chaplain at Hendricks. As a chaplain, Hudson will work at Hendricks two days a week, sponsor community outreaches and be apart of the Chaplains Council. Read full story from

Mary Daly changed my life
When I heard that Mary Daly had died in early January, I wrote on my Facebook page that she had changed my life. The ferocious theologian was among those writers responsible for the unraveling of my Presbyterian Christianity. I find myself hesitating to write about her, knowing that it means approaching the thick tangle of culture, gender, anger, and God. In that place, scorpions patrol and guard, tails lifted and ready to strike at a misstep in thought, feeling, or choice of words. As the witches say, “Where there’s fear there’s power,” so here I go. Read full story from

Newcomb: ‘Avatar:’ An eye-opener about indigenous peoples
Ever since its release this past December, James Cameron’s blockbuster 3D movie “Avatar” has generated a tremendous amount of discussion. Even the Vatican’s official newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano, stepped into the fray, criticizing “Avatar” because of concerns the movie promoted “nature worship” and “neo-paganism.” Read full story from

Screamy Window
A PALE young woman appears at the window of a ruined castle – in a photo said to show a GHOST. Read full story from

Woman in cross row loses £120,000 battle
A DEVOUT Christian lost her appeal yesterday after being banned from wearing a cross visibly at work. Read full story from

ACLU accuses community college instructor of religious indoctrination
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — An instructor at a public community college in Fresno has been presenting his religious views on homosexuality, abortion and global warming as fact to students in an introductory health science class, the American Civil Liberties Union claims. Read full story from