Posts Tagged ‘Holiday’

News & Submissions 12/2/2009

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009

Happy Re-Birthday: Celebrating the Light’s Return at Winter Solstice
Winter Solstice marks the shift of the seasons from harvesting crops to rejuvenating the Earth.
In 2009, this longest night of the year falls on December 21. While the notion of winter usually evokes images of warm coats, mittens and boots, in ancient times Winter Solstice was honored as the turning point when the sun begins warming the Earth a little bit longer every day. Read full story from

Midwinter revels and holidays of light
“Go Christmas, go Hanukkah, go Kwanzaa, go Solstice!” So shout the brightly clad young models of a current TV commercial, as they leap about the screen like cheerleaders in their stripy sweaters and knitted gloves. Yet another seasonal advertisement by a multinational garment-selling conglomerate. But wait. What are the holidays mentioned in the ad again? Do they really finish their cheer with Solstice? Read full story from

Satanic activity in the Forest of Dean sounds strangely familiar
Fans of Dennis Wheatley and Hammer horror will know that British rural life has long been synonymous with the occult. The apartment-block Satanism of Rosemary’s Baby is simply not for us: we feel goats’ skulls, naked virgins and wicker men look better in a forest or field than on Clapham High Street. Read full story from

ADL Urges Appeals Court to Allow Religious Leader to Challenge Discriminatory Policy
New York, NY, December 1, 2009 … The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) urged a federal appeals court to allow a Wiccan religious leader to have his day in court to pursue a religious discrimination case. Read full story from

Celebration of Light events to honor lost loved ones
The first holiday season after a loved one’s death can be among the hardest experiences for his or her survivors — burdensome and isolating while others celebrate in good cheer. Read full story from