Posts Tagged ‘Elements’

News & Submissions 12/14/2009

Monday, December 14th, 2009

Army still threatens sacred site
FORT SILL, Okla. – The Comanche Nation and the U.S. Army have been battling over a proposed training/service center for the Fort Sill complex that was to be built on Medicine Bluff, a sacred site of not just the Comanche, but also the Kiowas, the Wichitas and the Apaches. Read full story from

Witchy Moon Magickal Pagan Superstore Partners with Circle Santuary to Deliver Yuletide Care Packages to Pagan Troops
WitchyMoon Magickal Pagan Superstore today announced that is supporting Circle Sanctuary’s “Operation Circle Care” program to collect Yule gifts for Pagan soldiers stationed overseas. As part of this sponsorship, WitchyMoon will be selling care packages on its web site, which can be sent to Pagan service members abroad. WitchyMoon will be offering a 25% discount on all care package items. Read full story from

Rahm Emanuel Lights National Menorah At White House
WASHINGTON — White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel lit the National Menorah in celebration of Hanukkah. Read full story from

Winter Solstice celebrations: a.k.a. Christmas, Saturnalia, Yule, the Long Night, etc.
Religious folk worldwide observe many seasonal days of celebration during the month of December. Most are religious holy days, and are linked in some way to the winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. On that day, due to the earth’s tilt on its axis, the daytime hours are at a minimum in the Northern hemisphere, and night time is at a maximum. (In the southern hemisphere, the summer solstice is celebrated in December, when the night time is at a minimum and the daytime is at a maximum. We will assume that the reader lives in the Northern hemisphere for the rest of this essay.) Read full story from

Polar Bear in the Square in London and Copenhagen
This life-sized ice sculpture of a polar bear is sitting in London’s Trafalgar Square for the next week. Melting. By the end of its stay, probably all that will be left will be a bronze skeleton and a pool of water. Read full story from

Elemental altar for Pagan kids
Altars can be as simple or complex as their creator desires.  For those just starting out in the Craft, whether children or adults, simple is generally a wise approach.  Creating an elemental altar offers young Pagans an easy way to have personal sacred space. Read full story from

News & Submissions 12/9/2009

Wednesday, December 9th, 2009

Bakersfield council prayers too Christian?
Bakersfield is the second city in Kern County to have prayers at city council meetings challenged by the Freedom From Religion Foundation Inc., a Wisconsin nonprofit with a membership of mostly atheists and agnostics. Read full story from

Is Islam really a threat to America?
A recent headline in the Nashville newspaper The Tennessean asks the question “Is Islam a threat to America.” Throughout the history of the nation this question has been asked of many different groups. What is the difference now? Islam as a faith is no more a threat to America than Judaism, Hinduism, Paganism or other any other faith experience. The question itself suffers from the propensity to mislabel and mis-characterize Muslims (and many other groups). Read full story from

What is Five Elements Acupuncture?
Five Elements Acupuncture is one of a handful of traditional Eastern acupuncture modalities. Originally introduced to the Western world by an Englishman, J.R. Worlsey, in the mid-20th century, it’s based on the ancient concept of the five elements of Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood. These five elements correspond to the five seasons known as winter, spring, summer, fall and Indian summer. Read full story from

Obama administration reps meet with many faiths at PWR
Showing openness to diversity in American religion, members of the Obama administration met at the Parliament of World Religions Dec. 6 with 50 members of multiple faiths. Read full story from

A perfect Christmas
The first requirement for an ideal Christmas might be this: Nothing new and different is allowed. No new songs, carols, traditions, customs, foods, movie plots or TV heartwarmers. You may occasionally think you’ve found a new holiday wrinkle, but if you check it out you’ll find it’s based on something that was first trotted out years ago. The closest thing to a really new Christmas idea would be a nativity scene in which the three wise men (dressed like Taliban warriors) are frisked for concealed weapons by U.S. Marines before being allowed admission to the manger.
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