Posts Tagged ‘African American’

News & Submissions 3/16/2010

Tuesday, March 16th, 2010

St. Patrick’s Day: Did Patrick become Christian for the tax breaks?
We credit St. Patrick for bringing Christianity to Ireland and banishing the island’s snakes. But post-glacial Ireland never had snakes and the saint recognized on March 17 is actually a combination of two men, Patrick and Palladius, with the latter being the first to bring Christianity to the Celts. Read full story from

Celebrating “Under God” Whether There is a God or Not
The Ninth Circuit did a good thing by upholding the propriety of reciting the words “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance. And before everyone starts screaming, let me explain both why I make that claim and why the upside for those who value religious freedom is actually far greater than immediately presumed. Read full story from

Shamrock shortage in Ireland threatens the “wearing of the green”
What would St. Patrick’s Day be without shamrocks? They are the most commonly associated symbols of St. Patrick’s Day along with the ethereal leprechaun and his even more elusive pot of gold. Read full story from

The Marine and the Black-Eyed Kids
You’d be hard-pressed to find anyone who is tougher than a U.S. Marine. These soldiers are trained in combat, survival and to face the threat of imminent bodily harm or death. But perhaps they’re not quite prepared when it comes to encounters with the unknown. Consider this report from a Marine, using the name Reaper 3-1, who had an unexpected and altogether unnerving experience with the mysterious phenomenon of the black-eyed people. To make it even more harrowing, these black-eyed entities appeared to be small kids. This is the Marine’s story…. Read full story from

Richard Spencer’s Nordic Supermen
I have always been intrigued by the bizarre. I’m familiar with every weird movement in the book: from astral projection to suppressed Nazi technologies to black magick — yes, with a ‘k’, if it’s loony, I’ve probably studied it. (With apologies to John Avlon, anyone who thinks that Glenn Beck and Keith Olbermann represent the lunatic fringe of America is not being very adventurous.) Why exactly I take such an interest in the field is something of a mystery even to me. I suppose that, to a degree, I’m attracted to the creepy, mystical aesthetic surrounding it. It’s also continually fascinating to explore the outer regions of the human experience Read full story from

Native farmers eagerly watch Obama African-American deal
WASHINGTON – Native American litigants in a long-running case against the U.S. Department of Agriculture are hoping the nation’s first farmers won’t be the last to see resolution by the Obama administration on discrimination claims. Read full story from

To Dry the Eyes of Indian Adoptees
The arrest of white missionaries trying to adopt allegedly orphaned Haitian children struck a chord with me. Similar media stories about well meaning white celebrities adopting pretty babies of color from poor third world countries have also rubbed me the wrong way. You see, American Indians have a long history of white folks trying to help us by taking away our children.  It is estimated that between 1941 and 1978, white parents adopted 35 percent of American Indians in the U.S., often forcibly.  Indians have learned that no amount of good intention can wipe away the painful loss of our culture. Read full story from