Hump Day Herbs – Bachelor’s Buttons

February 16th, 2011 by sivodd


Botanical Name: Centaurea Cyanus

Folk Names: Bluet, Blue Bottle, Devil’s Flower, Hurtlesickle, Red Campion

Bachelor’s Buttons are annual flowering plants in the family Asteraceae. Native to Europe, it grows to a height of 16-35 inches tall. It is sometimes called Common Cornflower and may also be referred to as a basketflower.

It was John F. Kennedy’s favorite flower and was worn by John F. Kennedy, Jr. at his wedding in tribute to his father. It was also used in the funeral wreath made for Pharaoh Tutankhamun.

Diety: Robin Goodfellow

Element: Water (Fidelity, Friendships, Healing, Love, Meditation, Prophetic Dreams, Purification, Sleep)

Gender: Feminine

Planet: Venus (Beauty, Fidelity, Friendship, Love, Youth)

Power: Love

Medicinal Uses: Bachelor’s Button is used to improve digestion, regulate the gall bladder, liver and kidneys as well as for menstrual disorders and to increase resistance to infections. It can also be used to wash out wounds and is excellent on mouth ulcers as well as eye treatment. (Corneal ulcers and Conjunctivitis)

Magical Uses: Worn by young men/women in love, (on the breast) if the flower fades too quickly it is a sign that the love will not be returned. Place a flower in the pocket, it’s ability to retain freshness will determine the outcome in sex and love. (good or bad)

Ritual Uses: It gives energy to make one more desirable to the opposite sex and can be used in love and charm spells. Bachelor’s Button can also be used to open one to the divine love of the Goddess.

Other Uses: It is used in herbal eye gels, and can be added to shampoos and hair products.

Note: Consult with a Physician or certified herbologist if you are seeking medical remedies. The information is not intended as medical advice. is not liable for the misuse of the herb listed above.

Thanks for stopping by! Well wishes to you all and have a great day!


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